
A Spoonful of Honey Could Stop You Snoring

honey for snoring

Try mixing one teaspoon of honey into a cup of hot water, chamomile tea, or ginger tea. “You can enjoy this cosy cup sometime between dinner and bedtime. It works really well as part of a soothing pre-bed routine to help you wind down and relax,” says

Fired in your dream? Sleep experts reveal what your work dreams actually mean

With the average person spending about 50% of their waking hours at work on a typical work day – around 90,000 hours over a lifetime – it’s no surprise that work often sneaks its way into our dreams, whether we like it or not.

But which work-related dreams are the most common, and what do they actually mean?

The Best Tourist Destinations for Quality Sleep

best destinations for sleep

A recent study has revealed the top tourist destinations where getting a restful night is most likely, based on factors such as average noise levels, positive hotel reviews related to sleep quality, etc.

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