
Discover Your Inner Animal; What Is Your Sleep Chronotype From Sleep Expert

With TikTok seeing 9.9 million posts on “Chronotype Schedule” and 183.1 million on “How to Tell Your Chronotype,” sleep expert Martin Seeley at MattressNextDay dives into how your sleep chronotype affects your sleep qualityenergy levelsperformancehealth, and overall happiness

What Is Your Chronotype?

Ever wondered why some people are early birds while others thrive at night? These tendencies are part of what’s known as your sleep chronotype. Chronotypes reflect an individual’s natural preference for the timing of daily activity and rest—like being a “morning person” or “night owl”. It can significantly impact your sleep quality, energy levels, performance, health, and overall happiness, sleep expert Martin Seeley at MattressNextDay can help you understand your chronotype.

How to Tell Your Sleep Chronotype

The Science Behind Sleep Chronotypes

Your chronotype is influenced by genetics and your circadian rhythm. This internal clock not only dictates when you prefer to wake up and go to bed but also affects your appetite, core body temperature, and when you feel most productive. Some theories suggest our varying chronotypes evolved for survival, with different sleep patterns helping protect communities from predators.

What’s Your Sleep Chronotype?

  1. Lion: These are the early risers. Lions feel most energized in the morning, peaking around 9 a.m., and often experience a mid-afternoon slump around 2 p.m. They typically go to bed early to recharge for the next day.
  2. Bear: Making up about 55% of the population, bears follow a traditional schedule, waking at 7 a.m. and feeling most productive from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They maintain a balanced social life and usually go to bed around 11 p.m.
  3. Wolf: Night owls who sleep in until 8 a.m. and are at their best in the afternoon and evening. Wolves, known for their creativity, make up 15-20% of the population and often stay up late into the night.
  4. Dolphin: These individuals often struggle with irregular sleep patterns, sometimes resembling insomnia. Dolphins are light sleepers who may feel tired throughout the day but remain alert at unpredictable times.
How to Tell Your Sleep Chronotype

Can You Change Your Sleep Chronotype?

While your chronotype is largely determined by biology and can’t be completely altered, you can make adjustments to align your lifestyle with your natural rhythms. If you’re not a morning person but need to function early, adopting structured bedtime routines and healthy sleep habits can help. Small tweaks, like a consistent wind-down routine or avoiding late-night screens, can improve your overall sleep quality.

Understanding Your Sleep Patterns

Optimizing your sleep isn’t just about having a comfortable mattress. Knowing your chronotype and understanding your sleep needs can make a huge difference. By working with your body’s natural tendencies, you can boost productivity, feel more energized, and enjoy better rest.

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