
A Spoonful of Honey Could Stop You Snoring

honey for snoring

Try mixing one teaspoon of honey into a cup of hot water, chamomile tea, or ginger tea. “You can enjoy this cosy cup sometime between dinner and bedtime. It works really well as part of a soothing pre-bed routine to help you wind down and relax,” says

Sleeping with Your Heating On

Sleeping with Your Heating On

Your body temperature naturally drops as you fall asleep, allowing you to enter the deeper, restorative phases of slumber. Sleeping in a heated room interferes with this process, leaving you tossing and turning. The result? Poor-quality sleep that leaves you feeling groggy and irritable the next day.

What is Bed Rotting?

what is bed rotting

A new survey from LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor reveals that 43% of Brits have indulged in a day of ‘bed rotting’ in the last month, with a further 15% admitting they do this more than once a week. 

The Best Aiports for a Layover

The Best Aiports for a Layover

The assessment considered key factors, including total passenger traffic, airport size, sleepability ratings based on customer reviews, and the availability of free dedicated resting areas. Each airport was then given a composite score, providing an overall measure of its sleepability for travelers. 

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