4 Ways To Help Stop Achy Muscle And Joints From Ruining Your Sleep

The problem we face is that good quality sleep can help to heal pain but muscle and joint pain is clearly the reason behind so many people’s bad sleep. It’s a catch 22. Research actually shows that sleep deprivation can alter the nerve signals in the brain and reduce the pain threshold.
Sleep Easy With These Indoor Plants from a Sleep Expert

This winter, Dr Deborah Lee, Sleep Expert from Doctor Fox working with Get Laid Beds, is encouraging a natural remedy to improve sleep quality: incorporating indoor plants into your sleeping space.
Sleep Expert: Why You’re Waking Up Early This Week

As the clocks went back this past weekend, many people are noticing an early start to their mornings. Naplabs, a leader in sleep wellness, has partnered with a top sleep expert to explain why the recent time change could be responsible for these pre-dawn awakenings and how to adjust.
Five ways to make your hotel mattress more comfortable

Hotel mattresses often don’t suit every individual’s needs. Whether a mattress feels too soft or too firm, having an uncomfortable night can really impact the quality of sleep.
Sleep expert reveals how to cope with nightmares

Research by Get Laid Beds has discovered that the most common nightmare is around teeth falling out.
4 Pre-Bed Stretches For A Comfortable Slumber

Enjoy Pain-Free Sleep: 4 Pre-Bed Stretches For A Comfortable Slumber As 74% Of The Nation Admit That Pain Impacts Their Shuteye…