Enjoy Pain-Free Sleep: 4 Pre-Bed Stretches For A Comfortable Slumber As 74% Of The Nation Admit That Pain Impacts Their Shuteye…
We all know how important sleep is; without it, our body and mind can’t function effectively, and it’s likely we’ve all felt the next-day exhaustion after a bad night’s rest. From our overall health to focus, productivity and mood, good quality sleep is essential. But new research commissioned by Typharm – the brains behind the Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel, which contains diclofenac sodium, has discovered that a high seven in ten working Brits feel muscle and/or joint pain when they go to sleep,[1] with nearly three-quarters (74%) admitting that this impacts their sleep.[2]
With the UK Department of Health suggesting that adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night,[3] it’s worrying that 26% of the nation get just four to five hours of sleep when suffering from muscle or joint pain. Only 13% say they get six or more hours[4] of sleep!
Speaking of the research, Pharmacist Noel Wick and advisor to Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel says: “A lack of sleep has been linked to several different disorders including heart disease, obesity, type-2 diabetes and a compromised immune system.[5] So it’s important that sleep is a priority. However, so many Brits are struggling, with pain clearly being a literal sore point that’s impacting the nation’s shuteye.”
As for the various muscle pains that Brits are facing:
- 52% are dealing with pain in their lower back
- 35% in their shoulders
- 30% in their neck
Joint pain is also a problem:
- 46% of Brits said they felt joint pain in the knees
- 41% noted pain in the lower back
- 24% detailed pain in their hips[6]

These pains are caused by a number of issues, from sporting injuries (30%) to age related injuries (29%). Just over a quarter of those polled noted they also feel pain due to a medical condition such as arthritis and 21% say their pain is sparked from a work-related injury.[7] But, it’s somewhat of a catch 22, when it comes to pain and sleep. Over a third (34%) find that if their sleep is affected then their pain feels worse[8] but 85% rightly believe that not having good-quality sleep means the muscle and/or joint pain takes longer to go away.[9]
“Ultimately, we need to nip pain in the bud so the nation can get their sleep back on track! The Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel survey has revealed that a staggering 98% of working Brits have suffered from muscle and/or joint pain,[10] so something needs to be done,” says Noel Wick.
4 Simple Stretches To Try Tonight
Noel Wick says: “Stretching is a great way to help ease tight, sore muscles and help alleviate muscle and joint pain. Give these a try before bed.”
Seated Spinal Twist: Stretch your back, glutes, hips, shoulders and neck. Start by sitting on the ground with your legs out in front of you. Bend your right knee and take your right foot and place it on the floor outside your left thigh. Place your left arm around your right thigh and if you need to, place your right hand on the floor behind you for extra stability. Gently twist to the right side, feeling the rotation in your back. Hold this for 30 seconds before swapping sides.
Cat-Cow Stretch. Stretch your back and hips. Start on all fours with your hands directly underneath your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Breath out as you curl your back up into an arch, taking your gaze behind you through your legs. When you breathe in, reverse the move and drop your belly down, lifting your head up to the sky. Repeat this 20 times in total.
Neck Twist. Stretch your neck and also your shoulders. Take your left hand and place it on your very lower back with your palm facing away from your body. Now, bend your neck to the right, and look downwards. Using your right hand, slowly encourage your head down, feeling gentle pull down the left side of your neck. Stay here for 20 seconds before switching sides. Repeat as many times as you need.

Door Frame Assisted Chest Stretch. Stretch your chest, shoulders and back and boost your posture.
Start by standing in a door frame. Place your forearms on the doorframe worth your shoulders and elbows at right angles. Gently lean forward; you should feel a stretch across your chest and shoulders. Stay here for 20 seconds before taking a break and repeating three times.
The At-Home Topical Anti-Inflammatory Solution
Along with daily stretching, Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel offers an easy way to help you feel more comfortable. This over-the-counter gel is formulated to relieve pain and inflammation, providing effective relief from muscle pain, strains, sports injuries, and bruises. Explaining how Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel works, Noel Wicks says: “This pain relief gel contains the active substance diclofenac sodium, a well-researched medicine which has been proven to be one of the most effective treatments for dealing with acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain.”[11]
To use, apply 2 to 4 grams of the gel to the local site of the muscle or joint pain 3 to 4 times daily. The recommended amount of gel, depending on the area to be treated, is around the size of a 1p or 2p coin.
Noel Wicks adds: “There is no reason to simply put up with the discomfort and disrupted sleep caused by aching muscles and joints. Rather than build up reliance on strong painkillers, which can increase the risk of side-effects and dependency, we need to provide people with a range of options for pain relief which can include topical over-the-counter anti-inflammatory products, such as Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel. “It’s vital we get the nation sleeping properly again, so that we can live our lives to the fullest, pain free.”
Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel competitively retails at £4.99 for a 50g pack and £8.50 for 100g pack. Retailers include:
- Chemist 4u
- QD Stores
- Bodycare
- https://amgesic.co.uk/
- Amazon