
The worst holiday destinations for sleep

worst place in the world for sleep

A recent study has revealed the top tourist destinations where getting a restful night might be the most challenging, based on factors such as average noise levels, negative hotel reviews related to sleep quality, the number of tourists, etc.

How to Sleep Your Best While Travelling This Summer

Summer is here, and with it comes the allure of travel. Whether you are jet-setting across time zones or embarking on a road trip, staycation or city break, maintaining good sleep hygiene can be challenging. Before we go through the various ways you can ensure you get enough, good quality sleep while away, let’s review […]

How to stop mosquito bites on holiday

stop mosquito bites

Popular European holiday destinations such as Spain and Greece are believed to have over 50 mosquito species meaning bites while on holiday are likely.

Relax & Recalibrate in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, the city where nature and technology collide, is a great destination for relaxation. From spa treatments that rejuvenate the body to hikes that renew the mind, the region has a plethora of calming activities that are good for the mind, body and soul. The only far-infrared sauna in Hong Kong The Island Shangri-La is the […]

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