
Brits warned they’re not washing pillowcases enough

how often to wash pillowcases

Brits are being told to wash pillowcases more frequently after sleeping with greasy hair to avoid a build up of bacteria and oils.

Mattress experts at are urging people to wash their pillowcases more often to improve their sleep hygiene.

Despite most people washing their bedding once every two weeks, the experts state that the same rule does not apply to pillowcases.

Pillowcases can hold around 3 million bacteria colonies per square inch after just one week of sleep.*

This build up of dirt, sweat, grease and dead skin cells touches our faces every night and can cause breakouts and irritation for those with sensitive skin.

The team at WinstonsBeds are advising people to put their pillowcases in the washing machine whenever they do their normal load. 

This way they can keep their pillowcases fresh and free from bacteria without having to wash them separately.

Rebecca Swain, mattress expert at WinstonsBeds said: “Our faces come into contact with our pillows everynight for eight hours and if it’s not clean, it can cause skin irritation and breakouts.

“Your pillow harbours a lot of built up, grease and oils from your scalp, not to mention dead skin and drool.

“Those with longer locks who wash their hair around once or twice a week will find their pillowcases are probably dirtier thanks to their greasy hair. 

“Most people will wash their bedding around once every two weeks but this just isn’t enough when it comes to your pillowcases. 

“That’s why it’s worth chucking the pillowcases into your regular washing loads whenever you get the chance.

“The pillows themselves should also be washed around once or twice a year to get rid of any sweat and build up that has seeped through the pillow case.

“You can do this by simply just putting them in the machine but it’s best to check their care label first.”

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