
The Importance of Sleep for Hay Fever Sufferers

The Importance of Sleep for Hay Fever Sufferers

Hay fever symptoms can lead to tiredness, fatigue and exhaustion, affect how we sleep and cause sleep disturbance and difficulty getting to sleep. These symptoms can in turn zap your energy levels leaving you feeling low and sluggish. Airborne allergens expert Max Wiseberg advises adopting a bedtime routine and keeping your bedroom free of pollen to help you get a good night’s sleep.

“Common hay fever symptoms,” says Max, “include sneezing, a runny nose, a stuffed up nose, itchy and watery or streaming eyes, nasal congestion and a general stuffed up feeling in the nose and throat.”

“Some people also experience itching around the face and mouth including an itchy mouth, itchy roof of mouth, and a burning sensation in the throat. Headaches and wheezing can also occur and an overall achy feeling, or build-up of pressure in the entire face area. The sinus area is often the most painful. Constant nose rubbing and blowing can also leave sufferers with skin irritation and sensitivity. All of this can lead to tiredness, fatigue and exhaustion.”

“Hay fever can also affect how we sleep and cause sleep disturbance and difficulty getting to sleep. These symptoms can in turn zap our energy levels leaving us feeling low and sluggish. So a good night’s sleep is important to leave your body better prepared to cope with symptoms the next day.”

“The following bedtime routine will help you get to sleep and have a better night’s sleep:”

The Importance of Sleep for Hay Fever Sufferers

·         “Take a shower or bath before bed to wash away pollen from your skin and hair. A bath will also help you to relax.”

·         “Apply an organic drug-free allergen barrier balm such as HayMax to help trap pollen before it gets in your body while you sleep – less pollen, less reaction. Try the Lavender variety; lavender is renowned for its calming and soothing properties, so can help you get to sleep.”

·         “Each morning try covering your bed with a clean sheet – then before getting into bed at night carefully remove it and fold it away. This can help keep pollen off your bed clothes.”

·         “Turn your pillows just before you get into bed so you’re not breathing in pollen from your pillow.”

“Prevent pollen getting into the room you sleep in:”

·         “Keep your bedroom door and windows closed to help prevent pollen drifting in or being blown in by the wind.”

·         “Dry bedding indoors to prevent pollen being blown on to it by the outside wind.”

·         “If you own a pet, keep it off your bed and out of the bedroom altogether if possible. Keeping your pet regularly groomed and shampooed will remove pollen from its fur.”

“And there are several things you can do to help minimise the amount of pollen in the bedroom:”

·         “Wash bedding very regularly to prevent the build-up of pollen and dust and pet allergens.”

·         “Damp dust regularly to prevent the build-up of pollen. Damp dusting will help prevent pollen particles being dispersed back into the air.”

·         “Vacuum your room regularly, including fabrics such as curtains and upholstery, to avoid pollen accumulating.”

·         “Store blankets and cuddly toys in a cupboard to prevent the build-up of allergens on them.”

“Finally, check out my website,, where there is lots of advice about coping with hay fever symptoms.”

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