
How to ease jet lag this summer

How to ease jet lag 

Holiday makers facing jet lag are being advised to get back to their normal routines to help get their sleeping schedule back on track.

The experts at have revealed six of the best ways to beat jet lag after a holiday. 

Travelling to different time zones can mess with our sleep and leave us feeling fatigued when we get home. 

Getting back into a normal routine is crucial for fighting jet lag and experts advise trying to adjust to time zones as soon as you land.

Nic Shacklock at Online-Bedrooms said: “It’s important to try and adjust to the new time zone as soon as you land back home. 

“One of the biggest mistakes people make after a trip abroad is not sleeping when they get home because they don’t feel tired and vice versa. 

“Following your local time zone is the quickest way to get your normal sleeping routine back on track.

“You’ll also want to stay clear of having too many lie ins as sleeping too much in the morning will ruin your chances of falling asleep at night.

“Try to get outside in the daytime too, this helps to regulate our body clocks which allows us to sleep better.”’s best tips to ease jet lag after your summer holiday

Get back to normal

It is crucial to change back to normal sleep schedules as soon as the plane lands. Adjusting time zones may be hard, but it is important not to delay getting good sleep on the correct timings. Try hard to stick to the recommended eight hours of sleep a night to ensure a healthy sleep schedule.

Set alarms

Turn on alarms for the morning to steer clear of a lie in. When recovering from any jet lag it is also important to only sleep during the nighttime and to avoid napping throughout the day. Although it may be very tempting to hit the snooze button over and over, resist the temptation to stay in bed.

Get outside

Ensure you get plenty of light exposure during the daytime, even if it is a cloudy day. Being outside will increase your body’s vitamin D levels and help regulate the body clock. It also helps  produce the melatonin hormone which makes the body tired – good when suffering from jet lag and trying to focus on good sleep.


Caffeine from coffee, tea, energy and fizzy drinks can help to increase the body’s alertness throughout the day whilst battling with jet lag. However, be careful with over consumption of caffeine and only drink it in moderation to still ensure a good night sleep. It is important to also keep up hydration levels by drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration and to help manage jet lag.

Get active

Exercise benefits both the mind and the body, and moving around at the right time during the day is a great way to rejuvenate the body. Going outside for a short walk, jog, or bike ride can give a quick energy boost to help ease any jet lag and delirium. Exercise can also induce tiredness for a deep sleep come nighttime.

Give your body time 

Most importantly, give the body time to adjust back to normal. It is important to understand that it will take a few days to fully adapt back to usual daily, and sleep routines after a summer holiday abroad. Reminisce on the holiday and stay relaxed and stress free whilst experiencing jet lag to not put pressure on the body whilst it recovers.

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