
Sleep Expert Reveals When to See a Doctor About Your Snoring

see a doctor about snoring

Evidence shows that there are 30 million people in the UK affected by snoring[1], causing serious health issues such as obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).

Occasional snoring could be harmless, but it might ruin your sleep quality, and might be part of a more serious issue, meaning its time to get a professional involved.

New data from Get Laid Beds shows that people think that snoring is the worst bedtime pet hate, with over 3 in 5 saying this is the worst thing that someone can do (61%).

Coming in second was fidgeting in your sleep, and then sleepwalking. 

Recent studies reveal that over three quarters (77%) of people in the UK have complained about their partner’s snoring.  

Charli Davies, Founder of Snuzzze said:

“It doesn’t surprise me that snoring is at the top of the ick list.  It’s the bane of millions of people’s lives and the cause of less than decent sleep. Why so many people snore and the cause of some of the other icks, in my opinion, are down to our overall lifestyle from what we eat to the amount of alcohol we drink.”

Five signs that its time to see a doctor about your snoring:

  1. If your snoring has a huge impact on your own sleep quality
  2. If you find difficulty in maintaining a desired level of wakefulness
  3.  If you are constantly having morning headaches
  4.  If you have trouble with concentration or memory
  5.  If you have gained weight recently

Changing your lifestyle could help you reduce snoring

Changing your lifestyle might be a turning point in your snoring situation. If you are a regular drinker, the most effective way is avoiding alcohol close to bedtime or even quitting alcohol.

Charli said: “It goes without saying then that we can reduce snoring by avoiding alcohol and leading a generally healthy lifestyle. 

“Alcohol relaxes the muscles, and this goes for the muscles in our throats to. This means that your throat can relax too much as you’re sleeping and collapse in as you breathe, which causes snoring. 

“Sleeping pills can have the same effect as alcohol too – you might become over relaxed and the same thing will happen.

“Maintaining a healthy weight reduces any weighing down on your airway preventing air to flow in and out easily.”

Adjust your sleep position

For those trying home remedies, one of the easy fixes they can do is changing sleep position such as avoiding sleeping on their back.

“The trick I think most people are aware of to reduce snoring is changing sleep position from our backs to our sides, although this doesn’t always help. 

“I think most of us achieve this with a dig to the ribs or pushing the person we’re sharing a bed with. 

“But if we want to avoid this and reduce waking those that we share a bed with, putting a pillow behind our back can stop rolling onto your in the night.”

Sleeping with wet hair

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