
Waking up hangover-free during a football-heavy summer

hangover-free after football

Did you know special occasions such as UEFA EUROs means the UK consumes 120million MORE alcohol units, equating to 12 million bottles of wine? 

The Euros kicks off this Sunday 16th June with England’s first match of the group stages against Serbia. A mix of alcohol consumption, anticipation of a win and late night celebrating can mean a lot of fans end up with chaotic sleeping patterns and have to face Monday with a hangover. The only sure-fire way to avoid a hangover is to not drink any alcohol, but thankfully Martin Seeley, CEO and Sleep Expert at MattressNextDay has shared his sleep secrets to make your hangover much more manageable if you are planning to have a tipple or two.

Sleep expert shares their top tips for waking up hangover-free during a football-heavy summer 

  1. Stop drinking at least THREE hours before you go to bed

Although alcohol acts as a depressant on the nervous system, promoting relaxation, it can negatively interfere with the sleep cycle and diminish the quality of sleep. The body generally processes approximately one standard drink per hour, so if you have consumed a large amount of alcohol, we recommend you stop drinking a minimum of three hours before you head to bed. Not only will this reduce any likelihood of acid reflux, but also helps to regulate your sleep-wake cycle (your circadian rhythm) to allow your body time to process what you’ve already consumed. While you are waiting to go to bed and you’ve stopped drinking alcohol, it’s always a good idea to drink water to help hydrate your body! 

  1. Say yes to that pre-match meal

Eating after drinking can help to stabilise your glucose levels. Fatty foods can actually stop your body from absorbing too much alcohol, so eating a big meal with red meat (like a burger) before going out drinking is ideal. While it may be tempting to indulge in your favourite takeaway after the pub, you should avoid having a big meal at least three hours before you plan to sleep or food digestion may keep you from a sound slumber. 

  1. Or alternatively, eat pomegranate seeds before you head out drinking

Pomegranate juice is high in antioxidants and protein, which helps restore muscles and reduces inflammation, preparing you for a night of heavy drinking. With three times more antioxidants than green tea, it’s certainly worth a try.

Or alternatively, if you’re particularly well-prepared, drink a smoothie made of leafy greens and pomegranate seeds before you head out. Packed with nutrients and vitamins, this will prepare your body for having to restore its levels of nutrients later.

  1. When you’re out, mix your vodka with orange juice

Did you know that orange juice can neutralise congeners in vodka, which contributes to your hangover? Vodka itself has low levels of congeners compared to brandy or rum, so I’d recommend a classic vodka orange (or as it’s sometimes known, a ‘screwdriver’).

  1. Steer clear of fizzy mixers

Research has shown that carbonated mixers like lemonade and coke can get you drunk much more quickly. This is because mixing your alcohol with carbonated drinks increases the rate of alcohol absorption in the blood, thanks to the gas in the bubbles. If you want to avoid a hangover in the morning, try mixing your alcohol with fruit juice, or water and a flavoured cordial.

  1. Order your drinks with ice so you go to the toilet less

Staying hydrated is absolutely essential for preventing a hangover. It might not be news to you that one of the main symptoms of a hangover is thirst, so make sure you’re staying topped up with water as you’re drinking. Alcohol causes you to urinate more and generally dehydrates you by causing your body to produce a hormone called Vasopressin. If you don’t think you’ll remember to drink a glass of water in between alcoholic drinks, order your drinks with ice.

Sip your drink slowly, and as the ice melts, your drink will be diluted. This will increase the time between refills, as well as give you a little extra hydration.

  1. Pace yourself when drinking

The severity of your hangover will be directly related to how much you’ve had to drink. There’s no shame in pacing yourself, especially if you want to avoid feeling awful in the morning. Only 20-25% of people who drink are hangover resistant, so if you’re not one of them, you should slow down your alcohol intake.

Also, try to drink water in between alcoholic beverages. Don’t chug loads of water when you get home though, as this will cause stress to your body and increase the likelihood of getting up to go to the bathroom during the night. One or two glasses of water when you get home is ideal, and keep a glass near your bed for when you wake up thirsty.

  1. Skip the ibuprofen

While you might be tempted to reach for some ibuprofen to prepare yourself for the inevitable headache that comes with a hangover, taking medication such as ibuprofen or aspirin can irritate your stomach.

B Vitamins and Zinc, however, have been found to help alleviate the symptoms of hangovers –  Red meat is full of Zinc. 

Research suggests that Red Ginseng can prevent a hangover, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. A Korean herbal remedy, Red Ginseng also boosts your immune system. You can find it in capsule form in many health food shops.

Woken up with a post-match hangover?  Here’s how to boost your energy

1. As soon as you wake up, open your curtains so you stop producing the sleep hormone

Whilst keeping away from light at night is important, bringing light into your morning is just as important. So as soon as you wake up, make sure to open your curtains. Being exposed to this light helps signal to your brain that you’re awake and that it should stop producing the sleep hormone, melatonin, which makes you feel drowsy. Also, if you had a bad night’s sleep, this makes it easier for you to get out of bed.

2. Get yourself outside for at least 10 minutes for a happy hormone boost

Whilst you may be tempted to start getting ready as soon as you wake up, instead you should consider spending at least 10 minutes outside. This is all it takes to be exposed to the sun which helps you produce the happy hormone, serotonin, which boosts your mood. If you can, try and go for a 10-minute walk or eat your breakfast alfresco. 

3. Your favourite footballers don’t skip breakfast, and neither should you

Speaking of breakfast,research has repeatedly shown that your diet and sleep quality are linked, meaning that a poor diet can cause a sleep debt. First and foremost, you should never skip breakfast on your wedding day, as it plays an important role in wakefulness. Secondly, you should try to stick to a balanced breakfast that is adequate in protein and healthy fats for an energy boost. i.e. eggs, plain, lean meat, avocado. These are also energy boosters.

4. Keep drinking water for an energy boost throughout the day

Whilst your wedding day will no doubt be one of the busiest days of your life, with the amount of socialisation and celebrating that you’re about to do, it’s still important to find the time to drink water. Ideally, you should drink 2 litres however any is better than none as mild dehydration can leave you feeling sleepy and tired, whilst negatively disrupting your mood.

You should NEVER put a suitcase on your bed

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