
Hay fever causing snoring? Wear SOCKS to bed, say experts

Wear SOCKS to bed

Are you fighting disturbed sleep thanks to a snoring partner? There are approximately 30 million snorers in the UK and with hay fever symptoms starting to stir, there’s likely to be a spike in loud snores heard across the nation. 

As 64% of Brits admit to snoring and with 49% of Brits also experiencing hay fever, Martin Seeley, CEO and Sleep Expert at MattressNextDay has come armed with a handy hack on how to reduce the chance of snoring in hay fever season – and better yet? It’s just in time for National Stop Snoring Week (22nd – 28th April). 

Hay fever creating a sound alarm in your sleep? Wear SOCKS to bed

Martin Seeley advised “While this might be a different type of sock to your regular trainer socks, wearing flight socks during the day – to be swapped with a pair of cotton socks (or another breathable material) at night – can lead to a more restful night. 

“A university found that flight or medical socks, worn during the day, prevent the build-up of fluid – that travels up the body when the person is lying down and can cause snoring. The study found that some of this fluid ‘shifts’ up to the neck area as a result of gravity and this, combined with congestion as a result of hay fever, can cause major snoring in sleep. The study found that disruptions in sleep were cut in half among those who wore these socks.” 

Four other ways to reduce your chance of snoring during hay fever season: 

  1. Sleep on your side rather than your back

“If you sleep on your back, you’re more likely to snore than those who sleep on their sides. The reason back-sleepers snore is that the tongue, neck tissue and chin press down on the airways. This disrupts the airflow.

“This causes turbulence, which in turn causes the soft tissue at the back of the throat to vibrate. Switching to side sleeping helps keep the pressure off your airways. It, therefore, minimises the chances of snoring.” 

  1. Avoid alcohol before you go to sleep

“Drinking before you go to bed may be a traditional way to help you drift off. But it can trigger some pretty substantial snoring sessions, too! 

“Alcohol relaxes the muscles in the throat, which removes the rigidity around the airways. That sets off the vibrations in the soft tissue once again.”

  1. Maintain a good diet and healthy lifestyle

“A healthy diet and avoiding being overweight are beneficial in so many ways, including cutting down on snoring. If you’re overweight, the fatty tissue that builds up around the neck and throat can press down on your airways when you’re asleep. This is why people who are overweight tend to snore more.

“By reducing your weight and keeping to a healthy lifestyle, you’ll improve both your breathing and your general well-being. You’ll also develop better sleep patterns that are less likely to be interrupted by snoring.”

  1. Get new pillows and consider opting for hypoallergenic ones

“Something as simple as buying new pillows could make all the difference to your snoring. Just like any other bedding, pillows can gradually accumulate dust, skin flakes and pathogens that can trigger a reaction such as rhinitis. One of the symptoms of this is snoring. So, you might want to consider replacing those tired, flat old pillows with something a little more hygienic.

“Hypoallergenic pillows will cut down on the number of fine particles around your nose and mouth. So, it’s less likely that you’ll react to dust and general canker.

“The position and shape of your pillow can also make a big difference. If your pillow isn’t giving you the support you need, you could be blocking off your airways and causing that soft tissue to vibrate again. Pillows should be comfortable, but not too plumped up. Simply swapping from two pillows to one could solve the problem.”

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