
How to get to sleep the night before your wedding

sleep night before wedding

As a bride, you face an immense amount of stress, especially in the final days that countdown to the wedding. 

With plenty of last minute preparations that are trying to please everyone, it’s easy to let yourself get swept up and forget to prioritise your sleep.

Sleep expert Dr Deborah Lee from Doctor Fox, has partnered with Get Laid Beds to share FIVE expert tips to ensure you wake up on your wedding day like a princess, feeling refreshed and radiant, and not like a Bridezilla.

  1. Establish a Pre-Wedding Sleep Routine

“Creating a little ritual to do pre-sleep in the weeks running up to your wedding is crucial. You should start by going to bed at the same time every night to help regulate your body’s internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and more importantly, STAY asleep. 

Some other additions you could add to your routine could be to take a warm bath, journaling some of those wedding nerves out, or reading your current favourite book when it’s time to wind down.”

  1. AVOID Late-Night Wedding Planning 

“Whilst it is tempting to want to execute all those little details that rush to you as your head hits the pillow, you don’t have to do it right that second! 

Jot it down on a notebook if it is urgent and so you don’t forget, but set it aside for the next day. The bedroom should be a ‘wedding-stress-free zone’, to keep a peaceful sleep environment.”

  1. Be Mindful of your Diet 

“You can’t be a hangry bridezilla – that’s the worst combination. What you eat significantly impacts your quality of sleep. So, in the lead up to your big day try to not eat too late before you sleep. 

On the contrary though, making sure you are eating enough is also key as going to bed hungry can also contribute to your insomniac qualities. 

  1. Set up Your Sleep Environment 

“Easier said than done but ensure that your bedroom is a cool temperature, dark and quiet, as this is necessary for creating an optimal sleep environment. 

So, grab your eye mask and kick out the snoring husband/wife to be – it’s bad luck to see the bride before her wedding day anyway!”

  1. Don’t Stress About Sleep

“It’s the last few hours before your big day. If wedding jitters keep you awake, try incorporating relaxation exercises into your day-to-day life. 

Deep breathing and visualisation techniques can help calm and prepare your body for sleep. Specifically before your wedding if anxiety is high, consider guided meditation exercises and soothing music to ease your mind to ensure you maximise your beauty sleep.”

For more on what affects the quality of sleep, check Get Laid Bed’s blog: 

Two weeks to better sleep: Sleep Guided Journal

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