

SLEEP experts will tell you that exercise helps you sleep better – but what if you could do both at the same time?  

Exercising in bed might seem counterintuitive (isn’t bed just for rest?), but there’s one activity you can practice from the comfort of your comforter, with the added benefit of helping you relax: yoga.  

Yoga’s combination of movement and mindfulness makes it the perfect start to a busy day – especially when you can’t face the gym on a cold winter morning. It can also be an ideal wind-down ritual for restful sleep, so here’s how to build it into your sleep routine without even leaving your bed.  

The setup: making your bed yoga-ready 

Make sure you have a firm, comfortable mattress that will support your body and help you feel grounded during your meditation. A wool mattress, like these from Woolroom, are a great option, and they have the added benefit of regulating your temperature, so you won’t get too hot and bothered during your practice. Avoid memory foam where possible, as the material will absorb both your weight and heat. 

You might also want to set the mood with low-lighting, aromatherapy scents, and calming music. Once your DIY yoga studio is ready, try these 6 bed-friendly yoga poses for sleeplessness to help start your night right:  

  1. Supported child’s pose (salamba balasana)

How to: Kneel in the centre of your bed and sit back on your heels. Then open your knees to a comfortable width, placing a firm pillow – like these wool pillows from Woolroom – between them (but not under your pelvis).  


Inhale, lengthening your spine. As you exhale, fold your upper body forward over the pillow. Stretch your arms forward and relax your shoulders. You can either rest your forehead or one cheek on the pillow. If you are resting on one cheek, make sure to change to the other side halfway through the pose.  

Bedtime benefits: This pose activates the relaxation response, promoting deeper, slower breathing that helps you unwind. The light pressure on your stomach can also activate digestion to help you prepare for bed. 

  1. Happy baby (ananda balasana

How to: Lie on your back in the centre of your bed and bend your knees into your chest. Face the soles of your feet upward towards the ceiling.  

Inhale and take hold of the inside or outside of your feet. Open your knees wider than your torso and bring them towards the bed next to your armpits. Flex through your heels as you exhale, gently pushing your feet into your hands to create resistance. 

Bedtime benefits: This pose releases tension from your spine and harmonises the sacral chakra, which improves emotional balance and sets the tone for a calm and restful night.  

  1. Reclined twist (supta matsyendrasana)

How to: You’ll need a firm mattress for this to support your spine. Lie on your back in the centre of your bed. Draw your right knee into your chest and extend your left leg flat on the bed. Inhale.  

As you exhale, cross your right knee over your body to the left. Place your left hand on top of your right knee for support. Extend your right arm out to the side at shoulder height with your palm facing up.  

To come out of the pose, inhale and roll onto your back, drawing your right knee back into your chest. Release both legs to the bed before repeating on the other side. 

Bedtime benefits: The reclined twist increases blood flow, which supports organ function and cell repair while you doze. It also helps to calm the nervous system, helping you ease into sleep.  

  1. Waterfall (viparita karani)

How to: This pose works well if your bed has a headboard or sits against a wall.  

Start by sitting with your right side against the wall/headboard and your knees slightly bent. Inhale. 


Exhaling, lie back, extending your legs up the wall, forming a 90-degree angle with your body. Rest your arms at your sides and close your eyes.  

Bedtime benefits: The waterfall pose is symbolic of letting go and promotes a deep sense of release, slowing the breath and signalling to your body that it’s time to fully relax. 

  1. Butterfly (supta baddha konasana

How to: You’ll need two cushions for this yoga pose. Lie on your back in the centre of your bed with your legs bent and cushions either side of your knees. 

Open your knees to rest on the cushions and form a diamond shape, bringing the soles of your feet together. Bring your arms overhead and hold your opposite elbows.  

Bedtime benefits: This pose relieves tightness in your lower back, hips, and inner thighs. It’s perfect if you spend long periods sitting at a desk, and it helps transition from the day’s stress into peaceful relaxation. 

  1. Corpse pose (savasana)

How to: Perhaps the simplest of the 6 poses is the corpse pose. For this one, lie on your back in the centre of your bed with your legs a comfortable distance apart. Stretch your arms out straight alongside your body, with your palms facing up. 

Close your eyes, relax your body, and focus on breathing in through the nose, and out through the mouth. Perform this exercise for five minutes to gain the benefits from a short meditation session. 

Bedtime benefits: The corpse pose is a meditative posture that calms the nervous system and restores the entire body. It’s the final resting pose of most yoga routines as it unwinds the mind into deep relaxation.  

It also happens to be an ideal sleeping position, allowing you to drift off to sleep.  

To explore Woolroom’s full range of natural and hypoallergenic bedding visit:

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