Bensons For Beds’ resident Sleep Expert advises the nation on how to combat this common allergy during the summer
As the weather gets warmer and we spend more time outside, hayfever sufferers naturally get anxious about the levels of pollen and how this can affect their day to day life.
But one thing that’s often overlooked is the way that hayfever can get in the way of our sleeping. Even though sufferers might not be exposed to as much pollen in the evening or during the night, the build-up of congestion and inflammation of nasal passages can reach a peak as we lie down. What’s more, our immune systems naturally also slowdown in the evening and overnight, so aren’t working as hard to protect us.
So how can we make sure we continue to protect ourselves at nighttime from hayfever? And how can sufferers make sure they get a much-needed night’s sleep away from the sneezing and irritability the allergy can cause?
Bensons For Beds’ resident Sleep Expert, Dr Sophie Bostock, has compiled an essential summer guide containing her Top 5 tips for sleeping better with allergies, a must for all hayfever sufferers this season.

Top tips to get a better night’s sleep while suffering from hayfever
1. Reduce exposure to allergens
This sounds obvious but look for ways to avoid letting pollen into the bedroom for example leaving the window closed if possible. You should also leave your clothes and shoes outside the room and shower before you get into bed to wash off any pollen that has clung on to you during the day. You could also buy an air filter for the bedroom, which removes pollen from the air.

2. Change Your Sleeping position
To limit nasal congestion, you may find it helpful to sleep on your side, or to lie on your back with your head propped up by pillows.
3. An antihistamine before bedtime
You might want to consider taking an antihistamine dosage before bed and there are some allergy medications which can cause drowsiness as a side effect, which might coincide well with getting to sleep. Make sure you always check with your pharmacists or GP about medications you are taking.
4. Develop consistent sleep habits, and protect time for sleep
There is some evidence that short sleep, or disrupted sleep, can worsen the severity of allergies. While you may not be able to control all your allergy symptoms, you can take other steps to improve your sleep quality such as waking up at the same time every day, finishing your evening meal at least 2 hours before getting into bed, having a consistent bedtime routine and avoiding caffeine in the afternoon.
5. Consider investing in anti-allergy bedding
Alot of allergies go hand in hand, and whilst there’s no bedding on the market which can reduce the affects of hayfever specifically, there are plenty of hypoallergenic options which are impermeable to dust mites which may also be irritating hay fever sufferers at nighttime. The Simply by Bensons Anti Allergy Twin Pack Pillows (£24.99) are the perfect choice for keeping allergens at bay and are also machine washable to make sure they stay clean and fresh. There’s also the iGel Perfect Partner Mattress Protector (£59.99) which boasts a naturally breathable 100% Tencel™ cover and prevents the build up of dust mites and associated allergies.